Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post 46 of Series - Parallel select query spanning on multiple RAC instances dies if one of the instance its running on crashes or stops

 Shalok, Fifth Mehl :
Those who do not remember the lord while they are alive, shall mix with the dust when they die. Nanak, the foolish and filthy  cynic passes his life engrossed in the world.

Here I will execute a select query on a two node RAC using a service which spans on two nodes on the RAC cluster and while the query is running one node goes down and the parallel query instead on failing over on to the surviving node, just errors out.

14:57 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /home/oracle
$ . oraenv
The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/oracle
 14:57 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /home/oracle
$ srvctl status service -d GSINGH
 14:58 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /home/oracle
$ srvctl add service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL -r GSINGH1 -a GSINGH2
 15:03 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /home/oracle
 15:07 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl start service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL
 15:07 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl status service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL
Service PARALLEL is running on instance(s) GSINGH1
 15:08 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
 15:08 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl modify service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL -n -i GSINGH1,GSINGH2
 15:09 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl stop service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL
 15:09 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl start service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL
 15:10 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ srvctl status service -d GSINGH -s PARALLEL
Service PARALLEL is running on instance(s) GSINGH1,GSINGH2
 15:10 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
 15:10 : oracle : rac1.rac.meditate.com : @GSINGH1 : /u01/app/oracle/product/
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 26 15:10:58 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> show parameter parallel servers
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
fast_start_parallel_rollback         string      LOW
parallel_adaptive_multi_user         boolean     TRUE
parallel_automatic_tuning            boolean     FALSE
parallel_degree_limit                string      CPU
parallel_degree_policy               string      MANUAL
parallel_execution_message_size      integer     16384
parallel_force_local                 boolean     FALSE
parallel_instance_group              string
parallel_io_cap_enabled              boolean     FALSE
parallel_max_servers                 integer     40
parallel_min_percent                 integer     0
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
parallel_min_servers                 integer     0
parallel_min_time_threshold          string      AUTO
parallel_server                      boolean     TRUE
parallel_server_instances            integer     2
parallel_servers_target              integer     16
parallel_threads_per_cpu             integer     2
recovery_parallelism                 integer     0
SQL> conn gurpartap/gurpartap@parallel

Open another window i.e. window 2 and execute the following query:
set pages 50
col SID_SERIAL format a15
col OSUSER format a12
col module format a25
col action format a20
col machine format a20
col username format a19
col QCINST_ID format 99
set lines 240
SELECT y.inst_id,a.qcinst_id, a.qcsid, a.qcserial# qcser, a.sid||','||a.serial# sid_serial, substr(y.osuser,1,13) osuser, y.username, substr(y.module,1,25) module, substr(y.action,1,20) action, substr(y.machine,8,20) machine, a.degree, a.req_degree, y.inst_id, y.sql_id, y.status, y.logon_time, y.last_call_et lc_et
    FROM gv$px_session a, gv$session y
    WHERE y.sid = a.sid
    and y.inst_id = a.inst_id
   order by a.qcsid, y.username, y.sql_id, y.inst_id, y.status

SQL> set line 300
SQL> set pages 50
col SID_SERIAL format a15
col OSUSER format a12
col module format a25
col action format a20
col machine format a20
col username format a19
col QCINST_ID format 99
set lines 240
SELECT y.inst_id,a.qcinst_id, a.qcsid, a.qcserial# qcser, a.sid||','||a.serial# sid_serial, substr(y.osuser,1,13) osuser, y.username, substr(y.module,1,25) module, substr(y.action,1,20) action, substr(y.machine,8,20) machine, a.degree, a.req_degree, y.inst_id, y.sql_id, y.status, y.logon_time, y.last_call_et lc_et
    FROM gv$px_session a, gv$session y
    WHERE y.sid = a.sid
    and y.inst_id = a.inst_id
SQL>    order by a.qcsid, y.username, y.sql_id, y.inst_id, y.status
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>   2    3    4    5    6
   INST_ID QCINST_ID      QCSID      QCSER SID_SERIAL      OSUSER       USERNAME            MODULE                    ACTION               MACHINE                  DEGREE REQ_DEGREE    INST_ID SQL_ID        STATUS LOGON_TIM      LC_ET
---------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------- --------- ----------
         1         1         76          7 29,71           oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         1                   76            76,7            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                                      1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         1         76          7 80,23           oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          2 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
SQL> /
Now go back on the original window i.e. window 1 and execute the query in parallel as follows:
select /*+ parallel( a 33)  parallel(b 33)  */ count(*) from dba_objects a, dba_objects b;

SQL> l
  1* select /*+ parallel( a 33)  parallel(b 33)  */ count(*) from dba_objects a, dba_objects b
SQL> /

Now go back to window 2 and check the parallel sessions from the query we ran earlier on views gv$px_session and gv$session and you will see 33 parallel sessions
on the database as given below and they will have be running on both node1 and node2 as:
   INST_ID QCINST_ID      QCSID      QCSER SID_SERIAL      OSUSER       USERNAME            MODULE                    ACTION               MACHINE                  DEGREE REQ_DEGREE    INST_ID SQL_ID        STATUS LOGON_TIM      LC_ET
---------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------- --------- ----------
         1         1         56          3 77,3            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         1                   56            56,3            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                                      1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         2         1         56          3 82,9            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          2 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         1         2         74         53 63,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 64,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 65,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 66,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 67,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 68,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 69,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 70,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 71,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 72,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 73,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 74,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 75,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 62,3            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 61,31           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 53,15           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 55,25           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         2         2         74         53 45,111          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 35,101          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 52,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 58,189          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 59,59           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 66,87           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 67,119          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 68,21           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 69,37           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 70,29           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2                   74            74,53           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com                                      2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          5
         2         2         74         53 75,45           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 78,7            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 79,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 80,37           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 81,15           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 51,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
37 rows selected.
   INST_ID QCINST_ID      QCSID      QCSER SID_SERIAL      OSUSER       USERNAME            MODULE                    ACTION               MACHINE                  DEGREE REQ_DEGREE    INST_ID SQL_ID        STATUS LOGON_TIM      LC_ET
---------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- -------- --------- ----------
         1         1         56          3 77,7            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         1                   56            56,3            oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                                      1 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         1         56          3 82,13           oracle       SYS                 sqlplus@rac1.rac.meditate                      c.meditate.com                2          2          2 8wn8m9gpwnw3s ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         1         2         74         53 63,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 64,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 65,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 66,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 67,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 68,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 69,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 70,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 71,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 72,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 73,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 74,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 75,1            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 62,3            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 61,31           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 53,15           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         1         2         74         53 55,25           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          1 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          1
         2         2         74         53 45,111          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 35,101          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 52,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 58,189          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 59,59           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 66,87           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 67,119          oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 68,21           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 69,37           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 70,29           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2                   74            74,53           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com                                      2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          5
         2         2         74         53 75,45           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 78,7            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 79,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 80,37           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 81,15           oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
         2         2         74         53 51,5            oracle       GURPARTAP           SQL*Plus                                       c.meditate.com               33         33          2 3z073sy7b8gfa ACTIVE 26-FEB-13          0
37 rows selected.

Now on this window just stop instance 1 and see that the query in window 1 will error out instead of failing over:
On window 2:
SQL> !srvctl stop instance -d GSINGH -i GSINGH1

In window 1:
SQL> select /*+ parallel( a 33)  parallel(b 33)  */ count(*) from dba_objects a, dba_objects b;
select /*+ parallel( a 33)  parallel(b 33)  */ count(*) from dba_objects a, dba_objects b
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly


Shalok, Fifth Mehl:
Within in my mind, I think thoughts of always rising early, and making the effort. O Lord, my Friend, please bless Nanak with the habit of singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

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